ACTIONS URGENTES : YEMEN : Hafez Ibrahim (m), age unclear MDE 31/013/2007 -Fear of imminent execution

YEMEN : Hafez Ibrahim (m), age unclear

Further Information on UA 79/05 (MDE 31/003/2005, 5 April 2005) and follow-ups (MDE 31/004/2005, 6 April 2005 ; MDE 31/008/2007, 1 August 2007 ; MDE 31/010/2007, 08 August 2007) - Fear of imminent execution

MDE 31/013/2007 - 10 August 2007

Relatives of the victim of the murder for which Hafez Ibrahim has been sentenced to death have agreed to a stay of execution until after the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, which ends in mid-October. According to the Shariah law rule of qisas (retribution), family members of a murder victim are entitled to seek the execution of the person responsible. Alternatively, they may pardon them, freely or in exchange for diya (compensation). The victim’s family have previously refused to pardon Hafez Ibrahim, and he therefore remains in grave danger of execution.

President ’Ali ’Abdullah Saleh has reportedly appointed a committee to clarify Hafez Ibrahim’s age at the time that the crime of which he has been convicted was committed. Under Article 31 of the Yemeni penal code, if the age of the defendant is not certain, then the trial judge must determine it with the assistance of an expert.

RECOMMENDED ACTION : Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Arabic, English or your own language :

 welcoming the stay of execution granted to Hafez Ibrahim and the appointment of a committee to clarify Hafez Ibrahim’s age, and urging the President to commute his death sentence ;

 urging the President to commute all outstanding death sentences and establish a moratorium on executions, with a view to completely abolishing the death penalty, as called for by Paragraph 5(b) of resolution 2001/68 of the Commission on Human Rights.


His Excellency General ¥Ali ¥Abdullah Saleh
President of the Republic of Yemen
Republic of Yemen
Fax : + 967 127 4147
Salutation : Your Excellency


Attorney General
His Excellency ’Abdullah al-Ulufi
Office of Attorney General
Republic of Yemen
Fax : + 967 137 4412
Salutation : Your Excellency

Minister of Interior
His Excellency Dr Rashid Muhammad al-’Alimi
Ministry of Interior
Republic of Yemen
Fax : + 967 1 332 511
Salutation : Your Excellency

Minister of Human Rights
Her Excellency Houda ’Ali ’Abdullatif al-Baan
Ministry for Human Rights
Republic of Yemen
Faxes : + 967 1 444 838
Salutation : Your Excellency

Ambassade de la République du Yémen
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 114
1050 Bruxelles
Fax : 02.646.29.11

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 21 September 2007.

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