BANGLADESH Tasneem Khalil Fear of torture/Possible prisoner of conscience

ASA 13/007/2007
14 May 2007

Further Information on UA 109/07 (ASA 13/006/2007, 11 May 2007)

Fear of torture/Possible prisoner of conscience

BANGLADESH Tasneem Khalil (m), journalist, human rights defender

Tasneem Khalil was released late at night on 11 May.

He had been arrested at 1.30 that morning by the Joint Forces, and was feared to be at risk of torture because of his work in defence of human rights

Amnesty International is monitoring his situation and will be taking further campaigning action as necessary.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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L’avortement est un droit. Parlementaires, changez la loi !

L’avortement est un droit humain et un soin de santé essentiel pour toute personne pouvant être enceinte. Ceci sonne comme une évidence ? Et bien, ce n’est pourtant pas encore une réalité en (…)

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