BRAZIL : 468 families Forced eviction

AMR 19/006/2007

Further Information on UA 35/07 (AMR 19/004/2007, 9 February 2007) –

Forced eviction

BRAZIL : 468 families

02 March 2007

A Sao Paulo state judge has extended the final date of eviction of the families living in the Prestes Maia building by a further 60 days, until 10 May. The decision followed several legal petitions to the judge, including a petition by the police officer in charge of the eviction operation, who claimed that such an operation would put women and children at risk and leave the families homeless.

Following the decision by the judge, and in the face of intense pressure from protestors gathered in the centre of the city since the 1 February and international expressions of concern, the municipal government signed an agreement with the residents the same month. The municipal government has now committed itself to place all the families in an emergency programme which will place them in rented accommodation for six months, and will assist them with rental payments. During this time they will find permanent homes for all 468 families currently living in the Prestes Maia building, in accordance with their needs.

Amnesty International welcomes the decision taken by the municipal government to find secure tenure in adequate alternative accommodation for the residents of the Prestes Maia building. The organization will continue to monitor the situation of the families to ensure that this agreement is complied with.

However, concerns remain about reports that the Prestes Maia case is a symptom of greater problems facing homeless families or those in temporary accommodation in Sao Paulo state. Organizations working on behalf of homeless people in Brazil have informed Amnesty International that over 1,000 families across S„o Paulo face eviction as the municipal government cuts emergency rent support programmes.

No further action is required at present. Many thanks to those who sent appeals.

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