BURUNDI : Thacien Sibomana and Poppon Mudugu Prisoners of conscience / detention without charge

AFR 16/009/2006

Further Information on UA 149/06 (AFR 16/008/2006, 26 May 2006) -

Prisoners of conscience / detention without charge

BURUNDI : Thacien Sibomana (m)
Poppon Mudugu (m)

01 June 2006

Both Thacien Sibomana and Poppon Mudugu were released from Gitega Prison on 31 May where they were being held for "threatening state security".

Both men each paid 20,000 Burundian francs as bail. Their lawyer has stated that the release will be permanent as no formal charges were brought against them.

The two men were arrested on 21 May as they attempted to hold a monthly meeting at a local centre in the town of Gitega. Both were members of AC Genocide, an organization which seeks to avoid any re-occurrence of genocide in Burundi.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent


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