CHINA  : Li Xige Fear of torture or ill-treatment/ health concern

ASA 17/045/2006

Further Information on UA 217/06 (ASA 17/043/2006, 10 August 2006)

Fear of torture or ill-treatment/ health concern

CHINA  : Li Xige (f), aged 38, HIV/AIDS activist

15 August 2006

Li Xige, who was detained on 18 July 2006, was released on bail on the evening of 10 August.
However, she is still being closely monitored by police and has to report regularly to her local police station. She is not allowed to leave her home town in Ningling county, Henan province, or to talk to foreign media.

Li Xige was infected with the HIV virus through a blood transfusion while giving birth by caesarean section. Her nine-year-old daughter, also infected during the birth, died of AIDS in 2004. In the wake of her daughter’s death, Li Xige discovered that there were more than 40 local women and 10 children who had became infected with HIV in similar circumstances, and founded an organization called Kanglejia ("Healthy Happy Home") to support those living with HIV/AIDS.

On 11 August local officials from various government departments visited her at her house and promised to investigate her situation. Officials from the local health department reportedly told Li Xige they plan to deliver a 300 Yuan (around US$37) monthly living allowance to each HIV patient infected through blood transfusions.

Despite this apparent softening of the attitude of the local authorities towards those with HIV/AIDS, Li Xige and two other women still face criminal charges of "gathering people to assault a State organ", following their protest about compensation outside the Ministry of Health in Beijing.

Amnesty International believes that international pressure on this case helped to secure Li Xige’s release. There is no need for further action at this time. The organization will monitor her situation closely and take further action as appropriate.

Many thanks to all those who sent appeals.

Communication au réseau Action Urgente juillet-août 2006
D’abord, une bonne nouvelle ! Adib Abdel Rahman Yusuf, le défenseur des droits humains qui avait fait l’objet de l’AU 285/04 (AFR 54/133/2004 du 8 octobre 2004), a été libéré le 19 avril 2005, après avoir passé sept mois en détention sans inculpation ni jugement. De toute évidence, il a reçu des copies des appels lancés en son nom, puisqu’il a entrepris d’écrire personnellement à chacun des membres du Réseau AU qui sont intervenus en sa faveur ! Fin 2005, il envoyait encore des lettres aux membres du réseau, ce qui donne une idée du nombre d’appels générés par son AU.
Toute l’équipe, à savoir Marie-Françoise, John et Brian vous souhaite de très bonnes vacances 2006 ! Merci de votre soutien.

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