INDIA : Leitangthem Umakanta Meitei and Yengkokpam Langamba Meitei Fear for safety/ torture

ASA 20/028/2006

Further Information on UA 228/06 (ASA 20/020/2006, 25 August 2006) and follow-up (ASA 20/022/2006, 04 September 2006)

Fear for safety/ torture

INDIA Leitangthem Umakanta Meitei (m), aged 35
Yengkokpam Langamba Meitei (m), aged 26

11 October 2006

Human rights defenders Leitanthem Umakanta Meitei and Yengkokpam Langamba Meitei were released on 4 October by a court in Manipur in northeastern India. All charges against them have been dropped.

The two had been detained for six weeks by police in Manipur. Yengkokpam Langamba Meitei was arrested at his home early on 23 August. The next day, Leitanthem Umakanta Meitei’s home was raided by police, and he too was taken into custody. Both men allege that they were tortured in detention.

The two men are both members of the Threatened Indigenous People’s Society, Manipur (TIPS). Umakanta Meitei is the Spokesperson for Apunba Lup, a coalition of some 34 human rights organizations in Manipur.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to those who sent appeals.

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