IRAN : Amir Yaghoub-Ali Prisoner of Conscience/Fear of torture


IRAN : Amir Yaghoub-Ali (m) aged 20, student and advocate of equal rights for women

Further Information on UA 195/07 (MDE 13/096/2007, 30 July 2007) -

Prisoner of Conscience/Fear of torture

MDE 13/102/2007 09 August 2007

Amir Yaghoub-Ali was released on 8 August on bail of 20 million toumans (around US$21,500). He had spent four weeks in custody.

He was arrested on 11 July while collecting signatures in support of the Campaign for Equality (, which aims to collect one million signatures from Iranians in support of an end to legalised discrimination against women. Amnesty International considered him a prisoner of conscience, detained solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression. He is likely to face prosecution in the future.

No further action is requested from the UA network at present. Amnesty International will continue to monitor Amir Yaghoub-Ali’s situation, and take further campaigning action as necessary.

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L’avortement est un droit. Parlementaires, changez la loi !

L’avortement est un droit humain et un soin de santé essentiel pour toute personne pouvant être enceinte. Ceci sonne comme une évidence ? Et bien, ce n’est pourtant pas encore une réalité en (…)

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