IRAQ/JORDAN : 88 Palestinian refugees, including 42 children Fear for safety

MDE 14/020/2006

Further Information on UA 68/06 (MDE 14/014/2006, 27 March 2006)

Fear for safety

IRAQ/JORDAN : 88 Palestinian refugees, including 42 children

09 May 2006

The Syrian government reportedly agreed at the end of April to accept the entire group of Palestinian refugees stranded at the Iraqi-Jordanian border. The group was reportedly relocated to Syrian territory on 9 May.

The group numbered 88 on 19 March, but has now reportedly increased to 181.

There has been no change in the situation of the group of 190 Iranian Kurds who have been stranded in a desert area on the border area between Iraq and Jordan since mid-2005. Their situation remains precarious : they have to rely on charitable donations of food and water brought in cars and trucks, and are living in tents, many of which were recently blown away in strong winds. Amnesty International will be monitoring their situation, and will be campaigning on their behalf through longer-term action forms.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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