MOLDOVA : Vitalii Kolibaba Torture

EUR 59/004/2006

Further Information on UA 111/06 (EUR 59/002/2006, 3 May 2006)


MOLDOVA : Vitalii Kolibaba (m), aged 27

22 May 2006

Vitalii Kolibaba, who had allegedly been tortured in police custody, was released on bail on 15 May by the appeal court in the capital, Chisinau. Since his release he has undergone medical examinations which confirm that he has injuries consistent with his allegations of torture. The criminal charges against Vitalii Kolibaba are still being investigated and no date has been set for the trial.

He had been arrested on 21 April, by police officers from Buiucani district police station in Chisinau. The police allegedly tortured him to force him to confess to injuring a police officer in a drunken brawl. He was not allowed to see a lawyer until he had been in custody for six days. The lawyer immediately lodged a formal complaint with the Procuracy about the torture allegations. When the police found out about this, they beat Vitalii Kolibaba again.
Shortly after we issued the UA the lawyer was called to the Prosecutor’s office where he was told that appeals were coming in from around the world and he was asked why he had enlisted the help of an international organization. He was informed that the Procuracy was intending to conduct investigations into the allegations of torture, but had not yet had time. The lawyer has still not received an official response to the complaint about torture that he lodged with the Procuracy on 27 April.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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L’avortement est un droit. Parlementaires, changez la loi !

L’avortement est un droit humain et un soin de santé essentiel pour toute personne pouvant être enceinte. Ceci sonne comme une évidence ? Et bien, ce n’est pourtant pas encore une réalité en (…)

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