SAUDI ARABIA : Puthen Veetil Abdu Latheef Noushad Eye-gouging/Torture

MDE 23/002/2006

Further Information on UA 310/05 (MDE 23/017/2005, 09 December 2005) -


SAUDI ARABIA : Puthen Veetil Abdu Latheef Noushad (m), Indian national

06 April 2006

Puthen Veetil Abdul Latheef Noushad was released from al-Dammam prison on 5 April. At the end of January he had been pardoned by the man he was said to have partially blinded in a dispute almost three years earlier.

He had been detained in April 2003 and subsequently sentenced to have an eye removed. He had been working at a petrol station when he was said to have had an argument with a customer over payment. A fight broke out which left the other man with partial loss of sight. Puthen Veetil Abdul Latheef Noushad said that he had been acting in self defence.

Many thanks to all those who sent appeals on his behalf. No further action is requested from the UA network.

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