SERBIA (Kosovo) : K.Z. (full name known to Amnesty International) (m), LGBT activist Fear for safety/death threats

EUR 70/009/2007

Further Information on UA 127/07 (EUR 70/005/2007, 25 May 2007)

05 July 2007

K.Z. has fled Kosovo, in fear for his life, and is now applying for refugee status in a third country.

As the head of a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights organization in Kosovo, he had received a death threat linked to his work and sexual identity. He had reported this threat to the police and asked for protection. The police gave him no protection, and he feared his life was in danger and so fled the country.

He is no longer in danger, but Amnesty International will be monitoring his situation closely.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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