SYRIA : Nasraldin Ahma Incommunicado detention/ Fear of torture / Possible prisoner of conscience

MDE 24/007/2006

Further Information on UA 317/05 (MDE 24/111/2005, 16 December 2005)

Incommunicado detention/ Fear of torture / Possible prisoner of conscience

SYRIA : Nasraldin Ahma (m), aged 34, Syrian Kurdish activist

26 January 2006

Nasraldin Ahma was released without charge on the evening of 21 January. He had been held incommunicado at the State Security Detention Branch in the Kafr Sousa area of the capital, Damascus.

He was arrested on 17 November 2005 at his workplace in the town of Qamishli, northeastern Syria, by around 15 armed members of the Syrian security forces. His arrest was apparently connected with his support for Kurdish culture and traditions.

Nasraldin Ahma is reportedly a founding member and director of the Qamishli Group for Kurdish Tradition, which supports Kurdish culture and traditions.

While he was detained, Nasraldin Ahma learned that people were campaigning on his behalf. He expressed his gratitude to all those who had supported him.

No further action is requested from the UA network at present. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.


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