VENEZUELA :Maria del Rosario Guerrero Galluci, Adolfo Martinez Barrios and other members of their family Fear for safety

AMR 53/002/2007

Further Information on UA 157/06 (AMR 53/004/2006, 2 June 2006)

Fear for safety

VENEZUELA : Maria del Rosario Guerrero Galluci (f)
Adolfo MartÌnez Barrios (m)
Other members of their family

13 March 2007

Human rights defender MarÌa del Rosario Guerrero Galluci, her husband Adolfo MartÌnez Barrios and their family are reported to be receiving protection from the authorities, in accordance with their wishes. An investigation has reportedly being opened into the assassination attempt against her and her husband, and two people have apparently been charged with attempted murder.

Amnesty International welcomes the measures which have been implemented for the protection of MarÌa del Rosario Guerrero and her family and the investigation into the assassination attempt. It is believed that they are no longer in immediate danger. However, the organization will continue to monitor MarÌa del Rosario Guerrero’s situation and campaign for those for those responsible for the assassination attempt to be brought to justice.

Moreover, the organization also continues to call on the authorities to ensure that all the cases of alleged violations of human rights by police officers in Guarico state are investigated promptly, independently and thoroughly and the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Many thanks to all who sent appeals. No further action is required at present.

Communication Mars-Avril 2007
Nous rappelons aux nouveaux inscrits qu’à tout moment vous pouvez retrouver, entre autres choses, le B.A BA du participant aux actions urgentes (AU), des informations sur la genèse d’une AU, des indications sur comment écrire, comment aborder une AU, et bien d’autres précisions sur cette technique d’action chère à Amnesty, ici :
Les récentes bonnes nouvelles
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 : l’ordre illégal d’arrêter l’avocat Joseph Dunia Ruyenzi a été annulé le 23 février. Au tribunal, le procureur général de Goma, qui avait introduit le recours au nom de Maître Dunia, a cité l’Action urgente lancée par Amnesty International comme un exemple de l’indignation de la communauté internationale devant l’ordre de faire arrêter l’avocat. Joseph Dunia Ruyenzi tient à remercier les membres d’Amnesty International qui se sont mobilisés pour lui (réf : AFR 62/007/2007).
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