USA : Victims of human rights violations in all countries Impunity

AMR 51/044/2006

Further Information on UA 50/06 (AMR 51/034/2006, 07 March 2006)


USA : Victims of human rights violations in all countries<br

16 March 2006

The resolution establishing the Human Rights Council was adopted on 15 March, with an overwhelming majority of governments at the UN General Assembly voting in favour.

With 170 governments voting for the resolution, the US government was one of only four that voted against. The others were Israel, Palau and the Marshall Islands. Three abstained : Belarus, Iran and Venezuela. The result demonstrates unambiguous international support for the Council, and represents a historic step towards strengthening the UN’s human rights machinery. Though he said that the US could not join the consensus on the resolution, Ambassador Bolton nonetheless made it clear that the US would work cooperatively with other member states "to make the Council as strong and effective as it can be." The US therefore plans to support the Council and be involved in its work.

In congratulating the General Assembly on the adopted on the resolution, the UN Secretary-General noted that the establishment of the Human Rights Council "gives the United Nations the chance - a much-needed chance - to make a new beginning in its work for human rights around the world".

For more information see the press release of 15 March 2006, AI Index : IOR 40/009/2006.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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