YEMEN/USA : Fawaz Naman Hamoud Abdullah Mahdi (m), Yemeni national resident in Saudi Arabia Further Information on UA 297/05 (AMR 51/193/2005, 25 November 2005) and follow-up (AMR 51/123/2007, 19 July 2007) - Legal concern/Fear of torture/Health concern

AMR 51/162/2007 - 18 October 2007

Fawaz Mahdi was released without charge from the Political Security prison in Sana’a on 8 October. He had been arrested when he arrived in Yemen from Guant·namo in June 2007.

Three other former Guant·namo detainees who had been detained with him were released with him. Amnesty International delegates met with three of the group in prison a few days before their release. Approximately 100 Yemeni nationals are still held in Guant·namo.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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L’avortement est un droit. Parlementaires, changez la loi !

L’avortement est un droit humain et un soin de santé essentiel pour toute personne pouvant être enceinte. Ceci sonne comme une évidence ? Et bien, ce n’est pourtant pas encore une réalité en (…)

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