Tthe Community of Sant’Egidio together with Amnesty International Belgique francophone and ACAT, invite you to meet Rais Bhuiyan for a conference on death penalty and forgiveness issues.
Rais Bhuiyan, born in Bangladesh and an Air Force pilot, went to the US to study computer science. Mark Stroman, who lost his sister after the attacks of nine eleven was out for revenge and shot Bhuiyan a few days later in the face. Earlier, Stroman who was a member of the racist organization Aryan Brotherhood had already killed a Pakistani and an Indian.
As a faithful Muslim, Bhuiyan not only succeeded in forgiving his attacker, but he even made every effort to avoid Stroman’s execution. On July 21, 2011 Stroman nevertheless was put to death, but Bhuiyan still continues his battle to show that it is possible to live together in peace and friendship, even if people have different beliefs.
Nowadays, he therefore is committed to the defence of human rights and the campaign for the abolition of the death penalty in the United States and around the world. He has set up his own foundation "World without hate" and collaborates with various organizations such as the Community of Sant’Egidio and Amnesty International.
The conference will be in English and will be followed by a drink.
We hope you will all be able to come !
Informations :
Wednesday November 30th at 19.00
Chapelle de la Résurrection, rue Van Maerlant 22-24, 1040 Brussels.