IRAQ/USA :Huda Hafez Ahmad al-’Azawi Fear for safety/fear of torture or ill-treatment

Amnesty International has learned that Huda Hafez Ahmad al-’Azawi was released on 19 November 2005.

Huda Hafez Ahmad al-’Azawi was arrested by US soldiers and Iraqi security forces on 17 February 2005 at her home in Baghdad and held by US forces at Camp Cropper near Baghdad International Airport. She was reportedly accused of "financing the insurgency". On 16 November 2005 the High Criminal Court in Baghdad found her not guilty and ordered her release. Huda Hafez Ahmad al-’Azawi left Iraq four days later with her family.

In a telephone message on 17 January, Huda Hafez Ahmad al-’Azawi thanked Amnesty International for taking action on her behalf. She believes this action led to her release.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.

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