ALGERIA : M’hamed Benyamina and Mourad Ikhlef Fear of torture or ill-treatment

MDE 28/007/2006

Further Information on UA 76/06 (MDE 28/006/2006, 6 April 2006) -

Fear of torture or ill-treatment

ALGERIA : M’hamed Benyamina (m), aged 34
Mourad Ikhlef (m), aged 38

06 April 2006

M’hamed Benyamina and Mourad Ikhlef were transferred to Serkadji prison in Algiers on 5 April. They are no longer thought to be at risk of torture or ill-treatment.

The men are believed to have been held for three days at barracks of the DÈpartement du renseignement et de la sÈcuritÈ (DRS), Department for Information and Security, in Algiers.

Mourad Ikhlef has received a visit in prison from a member of his family, but reportedly neither he nor M’hamed Benyamina has seen a lawyer or understands why he was arrested. It is not clear whether either man has been charged with any criminal offence.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals. Amnesty International will continue to monitor the men’s situation, and take further campaigning action as necessary.

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